
A simple and compact confirmation dialog of an action.

When To Use#

A simple and compact dialog used for asking for user confirmation.

The difference with the confirm modal dialog is that it's more lightweight than the static popped full-screen confirm modal.



The basic example.

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import { Popconfirm, message } from 'antd';

function confirm(e) {
  message.success('Click on Yes');

function cancel(e) {
  message.error('Click on No');

  <Popconfirm title="Are you sure delete this task?" onConfirm={confirm} onCancel={cancel} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <a href="#">Delete</a>
, mountNode);

There are 12 placement options available. Use arrowPointAtCenter if you want arrow point at the center of target.

expand codeexpand code
import { Popconfirm, message, Button } from 'antd';

const text = 'Are you sure delete this task?';

function confirm() {
  message.info('Click on Yes.');

ReactDOM.render(<div className="demo">
  <div style={{ marginLeft: 70, whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}>
    <Popconfirm placement="topLeft" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="top" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="topRight" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
  <div style={{ width: 70, float: 'left' }}>
    <Popconfirm placement="leftTop" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="left" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="leftBottom" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
  <div style={{ width: 70, marginLeft: 304 }}>
    <Popconfirm placement="rightTop" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="right" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="rightBottom" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
  <div style={{ marginLeft: 70, clear: 'both', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}>
    <Popconfirm placement="bottomLeft" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="bottom" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <Popconfirm placement="bottomRight" title={text} onConfirm={confirm} okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
</div>, mountNode);

Set okText and cancelText props to customise the button's labels.

expand codeexpand code
import { Popconfirm } from 'antd';

  <Popconfirm title="Are you sure?" okText="Yes" cancelText="No">
    <a href="#">Delete</a>
, mountNode);
Delete a task

Whether directly execute:

Make it pop up under some conditions.

expand codeexpand code
import { Popconfirm, Switch, message } from 'antd';

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    visible: false,
    condition: true,   // Whether meet the condition, if not show popconfirm.
  changeCondition = (value) => {
    this.setState({ condition: value });
  confirm = () => {
    this.setState({ visible: false });
    message.success('Next step.');
  cancel = () => {
    this.setState({ visible: false });
    message.error('Click on cancel.');
  handleVisibleChange = (visible) => {
    if (!visible) {
      this.setState({ visible });
    // Determining condition before show the popconfirm.
    if (this.state.condition) {
      this.confirm();  // next step
    } else {
      this.setState({ visible });  // show the popconfirm
  render() {
    return (
          title="Are you sure delete this task?"
          <a href="#">Delete a task</a>
        <br />
        <br />
        Whether directly execute:<Switch defaultChecked onChange={this.changeCondition} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);


ParamDescriptionTypeDefault value
titletitle of the confirmation boxstring|ReactNode-
onConfirmcallback of confirmationfunction(e)-
onCancelcallback of cancelfunction(e)-
okTexttext of the Confirm buttonstringConfirm
okTypeButton type of the Confirm buttonstringprimary
cancelTexttext of the Cancel buttonstringCancel

Consult Tooltip's documentation to find more APIs.


Please ensure that the child node of Popconfirm accepts onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onFocus, onClick events.