
A dropdown list.

When To Use#

If there are too many operations to display, you can wrap them in a Dropdown. By clicking/hovering on the trigger, a dropdown menu should appear, which allows you to choose one option and execute relevant actions.


Hover me

The most basic dropdown menu.

expand codeexpand code
import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from 'antd';

const menu = (
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.alipay.com/">1st menu item</a>
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.taobao.com/">2nd menu item</a>
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.tmall.com/">3d menu item</a>

  <Dropdown overlay={menu}>
    <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Hover me <Icon type="down" />
, mountNode);
Hover me

Divider and disabled menu item.

expand codeexpand code
import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from 'antd';

const menu = (
    <Menu.Item key="0">
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.alipay.com/">1st menu item</a>
    <Menu.Item key="1">
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.taobao.com/">2nd menu item</a>
    <Menu.Divider />
    <Menu.Item key="3" disabled>3d menu item(disabled)</Menu.Item>

  <Dropdown overlay={menu}>
    <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Hover me <Icon type="down" />
, mountNode);
Hover me, Click menu item

An event will be triggered when you click menu items, in which you can make different operations according to item's key.

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import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon, message } from 'antd';
const onClick = function ({ key }) {
  message.info(`Click on item ${key}`);

const menu = (
  <Menu onClick={onClick}>
    <Menu.Item key="1">1st menu item</Menu.Item>
    <Menu.Item key="2">2nd memu item</Menu.Item>
    <Menu.Item key="3">3d menu item</Menu.Item>

  <Dropdown overlay={menu}>
    <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Hover me, Click menu item <Icon type="down" />
, mountNode);
Cascading menu

The menu has multiple levels.

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import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from 'antd';
const SubMenu = Menu.SubMenu;

const menu = (
    <Menu.Item>1st menu item</Menu.Item>
    <Menu.Item>2nd menu item</Menu.Item>
    <SubMenu title="sub menu">
      <Menu.Item>3d menu item</Menu.Item>
      <Menu.Item>4th menu item</Menu.Item>
    <SubMenu title="disabled sub menu" disabled>
      <Menu.Item>5d menu item</Menu.Item>
      <Menu.Item>6th menu item</Menu.Item>

  <Dropdown overlay={menu}>
    <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Cascading menu <Icon type="down" />
, mountNode);

Support 6 placements.

expand codeexpand code
import { Menu, Dropdown, Button } from 'antd';

const menu = (
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.alipay.com/">1st menu item</a>
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.taobao.com/">2nd menu item</a>
      <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="http://www.tmall.com/">3d menu item</a>

    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="bottomLeft">
    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="bottomCenter">
    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="bottomRight">
    <br />
    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="topLeft">
    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="topCenter">
    <Dropdown overlay={menu} placement="topRight">
, mountNode);
#components-dropdown-demo-placement .ant-btn {
  margin-right: 8px;
  margin-bottom: 8px;

The default trigger mode is hover, you can change it to click.

expand codeexpand code
import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from 'antd';

const menu = (
    <Menu.Item key="0">
      <a href="http://www.alipay.com/">1st menu item</a>
    <Menu.Item key="1">
      <a href="http://www.taobao.com/">2nd menu item</a>
    <Menu.Divider />
    <Menu.Item key="3">3d menu item</Menu.Item>

  <Dropdown overlay={menu} trigger={['click']}>
    <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Click me <Icon type="down" />
</div>, mountNode);

A button is on the left, and a related functional menu is on the right.

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import { Menu, Dropdown, Button, Icon, message } from 'antd';

function handleButtonClick(e) {
  message.info('Click on left button.');
  console.log('click left button', e);

function handleMenuClick(e) {
  message.info('Click on menu item.');
  console.log('click', e);

const menu = (
  <Menu onClick={handleMenuClick}>
    <Menu.Item key="1">1st menu item</Menu.Item>
    <Menu.Item key="2">2nd menu item</Menu.Item>
    <Menu.Item key="3">3d menu item</Menu.Item>

    <Dropdown.Button onClick={handleButtonClick} overlay={menu}>
      style={{ marginLeft: 8 }}
    <Dropdown overlay={menu}>
      <Button style={{ marginLeft: 8 }}>
        Button <Icon type="down" />
, mountNode);
Hover me

The default is to close the menu when you click on menu items, this feature can be turned off.

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import { Menu, Dropdown, Icon } from 'antd';

class OverlayVisible extends React.Component {
  state = {
    visible: false,
  handleMenuClick = (e) => {
    if (e.key === '3') {
      this.setState({ visible: false });
  handleVisibleChange = (flag) => {
    this.setState({ visible: flag });
  render() {
    const menu = (
      <Menu onClick={this.handleMenuClick}>
        <Menu.Item key="1">Clicking me will not close the menu.</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="2">Clicking me will not close the menu also.</Menu.Item>
        <Menu.Item key="3">Clicking me will close the menu</Menu.Item>
    return (
      <Dropdown overlay={menu}
        <a className="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
          Hover me <Icon type="down" />

ReactDOM.render(<OverlayVisible />, mountNode);


triggerthe trigger mode which executes the drop-down actionArray<click|hover>hover
overlaythe dropdown menuMenu-
getPopupContainerto set the container of the dropdown menu. The default is to create a div element in body, you can reset it to the scrolling area and make a relative reposition. exampleFunction(triggerNode)() => document.body
visiblewhether the dropdown menu is visibleboolean-
disabledwhether the dropdown menu is disabledboolean-
onVisibleChangea callback function takes an argument: visible, is executed when the visible state is changedFunction(visible)-
placementplacement of pop menu: bottomLeft bottomCenter bottomRight topLeft topCenter topRightStringbottomLeft

You can get the menu list by antd.Menu, and set a callback function onSelect for it if you need. The menu items and the dividers are also available, by using Menu.Item and Menu.Divider respectively.

Warning: You must set a unique key for Menu.Item.

Menu of Dropdown is unselectable by default, you can make it selectable via <Menu selectable>.

typetype of the button, the same as Buttonstringdefault
sizesize of the button, the same as Buttonstringdefault
onClicka callback function, the same as Button, which will be executed when you click the button on the leftFunction-
triggerthe trigger mode which executes the drop-down actionArray<'click'|hover>hover
overlaythe dropdown menuMenu-
visiblewhether the dropdown menu is visibleboolean-
disabledwhether the dropdown menu is disabledboolean-
onVisibleChangea callback function takes an argument: visible, is executed when the visible state is changedFunction-
placementplacement of pop menu: bottomLeft bottomCenter bottomRight topLeft topCenter topRightStringbottomLeft