
Display global messages as feedback in response to user operations.

When To Use#

  • To provide feedback such as success, warning, error etc.

  • A message is displayed at top and center and will be dismissed automatically, as a non-interrupting light-weighted prompt.


Normal messages as feedbacks.

expand codeexpand code
import { message, Button } from 'antd';

const info = () => {'This is a normal message');

  <Button type="primary" onClick={info}>Display normal message</Button>
, mountNode);

Customize message display duration from default 1.5s to 10s.

expand codeexpand code
import { message, Button } from 'antd';

const success = () => {
  message.success('This is a prompt message for success, and it will disappear in 10 seconds', 10);

  <Button onClick={success}>Customized display duration</Button>
, mountNode);

Messages of success, error and warning types.

expand codeexpand code
import { message, Button } from 'antd';

const success = () => {
  message.success('This is a message of success');

const error = () => {
  message.error('This is a message of error');

const warning = () => {
  message.warning('This is message of warning');

    <Button onClick={success}>Success</Button>
    <Button onClick={error}>Error</Button>
    <Button onClick={warning}>Warning</Button>
, mountNode);

Display a global loading indicator, which is dismissed by itself asynchronously.

expand codeexpand code
import { message, Button } from 'antd';

const success = () => {
  const hide = message.loading('Action in progress..', 0);
  // Dismiss manually and asynchronously
  setTimeout(hide, 2500);

  <Button onClick={success}>Display a loading indicator</Button>
, mountNode);


This components provides some static methods, with usage and arguments as following:

  • message.success(content, duration, onClose)

  • message.error(content, duration, onClose)

  •, duration, onClose)

  • message.warning(content, duration, onClose)

  • message.warn(content, duration, onClose) // alias of warning

  • message.loading(content, duration, onClose)

contentcontent of the messagestring|ReactNode-
durationtime before auto-dismiss, in secondsnumber1.5
onCloseSpecify a function that will be called when the message is closedFunction-

Methods for global configuration and destruction are also provided:

  • message.config(options)

  • message.destroy()


  top: 100,
  duration: 2,
topdistance from topnumber24px
durationtime before auto-dismiss, in secondsnumber1.5
getContainerReturn the mount node for Message() => HTMLElement() => document.body